Looking for your very own team of talented content writers?
Finding reliable copywriters and content writers is no easy feat. A good copywriter is like gold dust – and when you add in the need to understand the digital agency world, it becomes even more difficult to find someone who can deliver what you’re looking for.
Our talented team partners with our clients long-term, delivering engaging, persuasive copy for their websites and marketing materials – and their customers’ copy too.
What does that mean? We do everything for you. No more waiting on clients. No more endless revisions. Just copy. Beautifully written and delivered on time.
The end result? You get your time back, your company’s copy is the best in your niche, and you can spend more time doing what you love.
The numbers speak for themselves...

Meet your writers

Abby Wood
Founder & Content Strategist
Recent convert to the Oxford comma. Nature lover. Dog enthusiast. Reader. Not a fan of writing about myself, but I have completed copywriting for over 300 websites.
Abby Wood
Founder & Content Strategist
Recovering perfectionist. Nature lover. Avid reader. Chocolate enthusiast. Partial to a glass of port on a special occasion. Delighted to get paid for doing something I love.
In no particular order (and definitely more than one): anything by Virginia Woolf, Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, The Handmaid’s Tale, Essentialism... the list goes on!
Bosco. Dogs. Capybaras. Wombats. Honey badgers. Birds. All of them.
- BA (hons) in English Language & Literature
- Higher Certificate in Arts & Humanities
- Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur 2019
- Mentor at UGurus - Elite training for digital agency owners
- My mum says I’m really good
When I was a kid, I wanted to be an archaeologist

Riley Barry
Project Manager & Content Writer
Roller derby player, lover of all things caffeinated and enjoyer of all things spooky. Proud cat papa to Púca and Willow. Loves to write, especially fiction and horror, and once wrote poetry but hopes those never see the light of day.
Riley Barry
After years of struggling to choose a course to study I picked something I loved. Writing.
My love of writing is rooted in fiction and fantasy (thanks Tolkien)!
But, with a background littered with digital media experience, I piece together content for all kinds of companies.
My favourite thing about writing is that it’s an escape from reality and through my writing I can help readers find that escape.
There are too many books for me to pick just one but I really love The Lord of the Rings (just all of them). Skulduggery Pleasant is my childhood favourite though I still adore the series.
See, I like all animals (cats and dogs especially) but if I had to pick a favourite it would be the maned wolf, they’re such leggy boys!
- BA in New Media & English, UL
- Expert dog walker certified at the College of Bosco
- First Degree black belt
“In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.”
― Terry Pratchett
- I play roller derby - between positions at the moment they're all fun!
- I have two black cats called Púca and Willow
- Maybe one day I’ll finish my book
- Secretly, I’m a power ranger

Ciara Meagher
Nature lover with a soft spot for clouds. Can be spotted giggling at cat memes, mastering my baking game, awkwardly holding a yoga pose or painting.
Ciara Meagher
From a young age, I knew that writing was my "thing". So when the opportunity arose to combine my vibrant imagination, fascination with words, and digital marketing background to write marketing copy - I knew this was the right place for me.
My natural writing style is quirky, lighthearted, and playful, however, I love playing "dress up" with our clients' tone of voice to write beautifully on-brand material that helps them connect with their audience.
My favourite thing about copywriting is that it's almost like a jigsaw puzzle: it only comes together once every word fits together seamlessly.
Can’t choose just one sorry! Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Power by Naomi Alderman, What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey and Normal People by Sally Rooney.
Cats for sure, their little toe beans and teefies are the CUTEST, dogs (obviously, who doesn’t love dogs?!). I also love pigeons because they are goofy and polite.
- BA in Communication Studies from DCU.
- Creative Writing Certificate from The Irish Writers Institute.
- Awarded ‘best terrible joke-maker’ by my partner.
- I was on RTE’s ‘The Den’ when I was a kid.
- I’m a Twighard #teamedward
- My family play a game every Christmas called ‘guess where Ciara’s belly button is.’

Christina Prendergast
Hot drinks aficionado with a slight distrust of people who “don’t have a favourite mug”. Can usually be found DM’ing brands with unsolicited advice about their content. Believes copywriters should get to gatekeep the term ‘professional wordsmith’.
Christina Prendergast
Once described as a “pint-sized powerhouse”, I love to combine my creative communications background with a passion for all things business. I'm a self-proclaimed branding geek with a particular love for sharp and witty taglines. My professional motto is “if you’ve got it, flaunt it – just make sure that it’s to the right audience!”
Hobbies (aside from writing!) include: Photography, forest walks, and guarding my electric hot water bottle with my life.
A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolff
Dogs... all of them.
- BA in Communication Studies from DCU (Ireland)
- MBA in Sales Management from Turku AMK (Finland)
- Diploma in Media Production
- Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
"I've always said to myself that if a little pocket calculator can do it why shouldn't I?" - Matilda
- I'm a twin!
- I'm attempting to learn Swedish.
- I get asked by grandparents in clothing stores to try on coats that might fit their 10-year-old grandchild.
Kelli Cleary
As an experienced content writer with a Master's degree in linguistics, I'm keenly aware of words and the feelings they evoke. While I may be considered a novice in my rival passion of gardening, when it comes to marketing copy, I'm a seasoned ace.
When creating marketing copy, I enjoy unravelling client feedback and weaving it into powerful digital content. There's a brand story hidden in every detail the client shares, and I love unlocking it with polished, dynamic copy.
If pressed to choose, I'd have to say East of Eden by John Steinbeck or Charlotte's Web by E. B. White. - both beautifully and lovingly written.
I'm going with the hermit crab. I don't know why, but I find it endlessly fascinating to watch their miniature dramas unfold in tidal pools.
- MPhil in Linguistics from Trinity College Dublin
- Over 15 years marketing and communications experience
- Book-Reader-In-Chief to three young children
- Despite living for 8 years in Boston, I've never had a White Christmas

Kelli Cleary
Content Writer
Novice gardener and experienced mammy trying to raise happy kids and flowers. Avid reader, when I get the time. I’m a native Texan who doesn’t miss the heat but does miss the barbeque. Capable writer with a solid marketing resume.

Simone Smith
Content Writer
Lover of books, music and pizza. Avid concert-goer. Obsessed with Autumn. Highly dependent on caffeine. Watches too much Netflix.
Simone Smith
I'm a junior copywriter with a passion for all things word-related. Before completing a Masters in journalism in DCU, I did a BA in English and Philosophy at Maynooth University.
With a background in journalism, I've worked as an entertainment writer at Evoke.ie, and reported on national court cases – including the occasional murder trial.
Can’t choose just one, so: The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger, Circe by Madeline Miller, and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
Dogs, of course!
- BA in English and Philosophy from Maynooth University
- MA in Journalism from Dublin City University
I have a crippling fear of frogs and walking in grass!

Mia Leigh Vance
Amateur sea swimmer, hoarder of books. Decent poet, loving wife, and proud mama. Has an eagle eye for spotting typos and a sweet tooth for sea salt caramel. Loves the fall. Hufflepuff energy.
Mia Leigh Vance
Amateur sea swimmer, hoarder of books. Decent poet, loving wife, and proud mama. Has an eagle eye for spotting typos and a sweet tooth for sea salt caramel. Loves the fall. Hufflepuff energy.
It’s so difficult to choose just one! But I do reread Maggie Stiefvater’s The Scorpio Races every year. I love her Raven Cycle books as well. Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale still haunts me. And I love Mary Oliver’s Devotions collection.
Another tough one! Red pandas are my favourite animal of all time, but I also have huge soft spots for dogs and cats of all sizes, deer, wolves, bats, and foxes.
- BA in English and Creative Writing from the University of Oregon
- MA in Writing from the University of Galway
- Crowned “High King” of my Old English Module in undergrad for (among other things) finding the most typos in the coursework – in both Old and Modern English!
“The only way out is through. The only way through is forward.”
(a slight paraphrase of Robert Frost’s saying: “The best way out is always through.”)
- My first BA is in Theatrical Acting
- While living in Oregon, I worked as a professional fusion belly dance performer, director, and instructor
- Sometimes I scan/analyse popular meme quotes as if they’re lines of poetry, for fun

Laura Hand
Junior Copywriter
Lover of dad jokes (the worse the better), dog cuddles and copious amounts of tea. Can usually be found outdoors, preferably near the sea. Favourite season is “grand stretch in the evenings”.
Laura Hand
I have been a writing enthusiast all my life.
With a background in English, Marketing, and PR & Communications, I am able to adapt to any writing style.
The writing bug got me as a child and hasn’t let up since! Whether it was school essays, birthday cards, blog posts, or even journaling, writing has always been my favourite thing to do.
Just one? Impossible! A few favourites would have to be The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls by Mona Eltahawy, Sycamore Row by John Grisham, the Oh My God, What a Complete Aisling series by Emer McLysaght and Sarah Breen, and recently Topographia Hibernica by Blindboy Boatclub.
So many! Apart from dogs, I would have to say otters, red pandas, seals, and any other animal that looks vaguely cuddly.
- BA in English and Sociological & Political Studies from the University of Galway
- MA in Gender, Globalisation & Rights from the University of Galway
- Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing from the Digital Marketing Institute
“Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.” - Elbert Hubbard
Developed a lifelong fear of butterflies as a child from an episode of Spongebob Squarepants.

Bosco Butler
Professional best boy/ReaL boss
I keep the office in order, keep the staff working hard, and keep morale up. I like balls. I love fetch. I like biccies. I don’t like cats. I couldn’t care less about content, but the people I work with seem to talk about it a lot.
Bosco Butler
I keep the office in order, keep the staff working hard, and keep morale up. I like balls. I love fetch. I like biccies. I don't like cats. I couldn't care less about content, but the people I work with seem to talk about it a lot.
How To Keep Cats Off Your Garden
Humans, they’re good for herding.
All of them.
- I can count.
- I love the people who deliver post.
- I have a big scary bark.

Run by a digital agency owner, for digital agency owners.
The Content Lab was founded by content strategist Abby Wood. Born and bred in Cambridgeshire, England she’s been reading and writing all-things-web for years and has worked with over 300 companies on their content needs.
She moved to Ireland in 2010 with her partner Nick Butler and launched Ireland Website Design during the recession, hoping to help people get their businesses back on track and thrive online.
Now she helps other digital agency owners grow their businesses via innovative content with her team at The Content Lab.
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